I wish to put down my thoughts on "God, Destiny and Divine Fatalism(Belief that everything which happens is pre-determined) in question answer form.
Q: What is the basis of belief in God? (Why So many people believe in God?)
A: Like most other beliefs it is most imporantantly "learning from elders". Remember how, when you were little, your parents told, whenever faced with a problem, "God is there to help us". Prayer was thought to be more fruitful that action. You saw them praying daily and you were told to do the same. If you asked "does god exist", you were replied with more certainity than that in 2+2=4, that yes it does. If you ever raised some doubt, you were muted forcibly and told that it is vile and corrupt to question such "beyond the logic" matters. Then you went to school and saw same thing repeated there. Schools taught it, Movies showed it, Temples boasted it, Mothers scared you by it, Everyone prayed it. Slowly you internalised the idea of god. Now it was your belief(and not forced by someone else) that yes god exists. You were certain of your belief, though there was no other reason to be so, than that most others were equally certain. In your subconscious, you were scared to even slightly doubt this idea. You had your "Big Brother", always standing by your side to protect and help but ready to put you in hell if you dared to doubt. You did not want to loose him and you ofcourse did not want to get burnt in hellfire till eternity.
It brings us to the question what about those who did not "learn from elders"? I mean those who first thought of this idea called god or invented god if you are ok with that term. I think it was subconscious desire and conscious necessity to control the unknown destructive events combined with ignorace of their causes that led savages to believe in god. Their god was one who caused fire and rain, winter and summer, flood and drought etc. They thought if they could please one who controls all this, he would protect them from destruction. God did not do so, they perished in large numbers but belief continued because it provided them last ray of hope. All beliefs of savages have failed to meet test of time, but strangely this one persists.
But what about philosophers who first believed in god and then went on to invent reasons for doing so.( Philosophy is almost always an attempt to rationalize one's beliefs. Mind it: not to find disinterested rational answers but to rationalise.) Well the most lucid and concise answer to the arguments of theist philosophers is already given by agnoist thinker Bertrand russell. If you are interesrted pls do have a look http://www.positiveatheism.org/hist/russell0.htm
I would limit myself to the question which common people ask when in philosophical mood: "How this world is so perfect? I mean everything just does fit in place" I dont know what this logic really means. Are they talking about perfection embodied in life. But life is too brief interlude in time and at too little place in space of this universe for life to be central point of existence of universe(unless ofcourse evidence proves that aliens have existed since eternity and will continue to do so till universe exists.) Or they mean Life, by itself, has very low probability of evolving from dead matter, so there must some creator behind this perfect design which makes life possible. But because of this low probability life exists in too short span of time and space. Even on earth it did not happen in 7 days, as holy bible tells us, but took billions of years for life to develop as we see it now: Minerals and water surrounded by a lipid(basically fat) => Organelle and Coacervates(Basic cell) => Protozoa(Ameba and all 1 cell species), Jellyfish => Poriferas =>Arthopeda=>…..=>……=> Monkey ,Gorilla or Chimpanji =>Human being(before 30 lakh years). As darwin has shown this development was made possible, not because surroundings were perfectly adapted to life by some supernatural creature but because life adapted itself to the surroundings. World was not made fit for life(though it was better than other worlds), accidents(which happened in huge numbers) produced life and added features to it through evolution. And life itself is not at all perfect. With life god also gave us Wars, Famines, Floods, Droughts, rapes, murders, Hitlers, Stalins, Changez khans etc. After billions of years of hard work, this is too bad god too bad.
Q: Why Divine fatalism seems improbable?
A: 1) Suppose that whatever happens in universe is predetermined by divine force, there must be a purpose behind all this: creation and control ulitimately leading to some predetermined conclusion. But there seems to be no purpose behind this universe, it seems that it exists for its own sake. If someone knows the purpose, please enlighten me. Hinduism says "Universe exists for life, life exists for moksha through its human form. Now moksha is unity with paramattma. But then why sepration at first place."
2) If every thing is controlled by divine force, what kind of control of it is. It is very old but pertinent question "If god is omnipotent and good, why there is evil in world. It shows that either god can prevent evil but he does not want or he can not. Option is to choose between demon and Man(if he is not omnipotent)". Children die, people starve, wars happen. Why, if god controls all this? Please don't say as said in Hinduism that these all are the effects of past Bad karmas. It means that you have done something bad in past lives but now in this life even if u are leading a good life u have to suffer the consequences for actions which you dont even remember. Does god not understand the meaning of justice? or Should we preach a lesson to him about reformative justice? What is the goal of this sort of judgment? Then even if people keep saying "God is the best judge and his laws are eternal". Then let me say frankly "Do hell with this sort of justice and law which is nothing more than a blind revenge of unknown sin".
3) Logic given by my best friend Amit who believes in fatalism is: "Suppose you study very hard and someone does not study much and yet at times you dont score well while he does better. It means only you don't control results of your actions but some supernatural force does". Well this is very untenable argument. First of all again, what kind of divine justice it is. In a good god controlled world i would believe fruits to be based on actions. Since it does not happen, rather than finding past life actions as an excuse to our theory, we should look for alternative points of interest: "does that guy got genes which gave him better memory retaining capacity or intersection of what he studied and questions the examiner choosed was greater than that in my case or he had some connection with examiner or i developed an headache because of fight with my mother or a biker hit me on road". So many things can happen with different probabilities where number of actors is 6 billion humans+ unknown no of living and and dead things( even a fly can go into your nose and get you a car accident but it does mean that divine will was guiding that action, You are not that important idiot). So my point is: "this world is a playground, here beutiful things happen, ugly things happen, Ugly things assure that a good omnipotent god is not behind them, there are lots of actors making lot of rational and sometimes not so rational choices, interacting with and affecting each other, you can increase and decrease probabilities of what is about to happen but can never make them 0 or 1, no one has written and no one knows what will happen until it actually happen".
Well what are implications of my theory compared to fatalism:
1) It does not bring in god to explain happenings of world while fatalism does.
2) It leaves more space for individual to act, since he can increase and decrease his probabilities, while fatalism lives no space since everything is already decided and you have to just ollow that.
3) It allows the imperturbability which amit desires so much by thinking that since god controls everything if something bad happend it was not my fault, because remember you can not make your probabilities 0 or 1 since you are not the only player in game. The one thing is this calmness is of a free rational human being while fatalist's calmness is of one who has psychologically surrendered to idea called.
4) To paraphrase bertrand russell " My conclusion is that there is no reason to believe any of the dogmas of fatalism and, further, that there is no reason to wish that they were true. Man, in so far as he is not subject to natural forces, is free to work out his own destiny. The responsibility is his, and so is the opportunity".
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Why the hell Karva Chauth?
Yesterday was Hindu festival of Karva Chauth in which women keep fast for long and healthy life of their husband. I wish to contest the very idea of this festival on following two grounds:
1) It is Patriarchal: Why only woman fast for well being of her husband? Can anyone please tell me of a single day in year when man is suppose to fast for wellbeing of his woman? Perhaps it is because of the patriarchal setup in which a man can marry for second time if his wife dies while wife can not remarry that easily and would have to suffer socially stigmatised widowhood, that a woman cares more about wellbeing of her husband than man does for his wife.
2) It is Irrational: What exactly fasting and not drinking a single drop of water by one person has to do with wellbeing of another fellow? I fail to see any cause and effect relationship in it. "Oh, you just dont know infidel,there are few things beyond your stupid logic, good god (who has written in advance the destiny of my husband) will be pleased by my fasting and alter any bad fate if it were about to happen in future" shouts a believer woman. Well this god must be a sadist if it is pleased by a person's hunger and thirst. By the way, when hitler killed 11 lakh people in Germany, most of them fiedal who prayed earnestly to god to save them till last movment, where your god was? "Oh god of chirstians and jews is impotent, I am talking about my Bhagwan".Ok where was your bhagwan during the famine of bengal, where people fasted for weeks since they did not have anything to eat and prayed to god to save them from death and yet millions died. How are you so sure that a god who does not listen to pleas of 27000 mothers of different religions(whose children die every day because of poverty) will listen to your request?
Note: I am not against social customs. But almost all customs are inegalitairan and irrational in nature. So i find responsbility of viciously attacking them befallen on me.
1) It is Patriarchal: Why only woman fast for well being of her husband? Can anyone please tell me of a single day in year when man is suppose to fast for wellbeing of his woman? Perhaps it is because of the patriarchal setup in which a man can marry for second time if his wife dies while wife can not remarry that easily and would have to suffer socially stigmatised widowhood, that a woman cares more about wellbeing of her husband than man does for his wife.
2) It is Irrational: What exactly fasting and not drinking a single drop of water by one person has to do with wellbeing of another fellow? I fail to see any cause and effect relationship in it. "Oh, you just dont know infidel,there are few things beyond your stupid logic, good god (who has written in advance the destiny of my husband) will be pleased by my fasting and alter any bad fate if it were about to happen in future" shouts a believer woman. Well this god must be a sadist if it is pleased by a person's hunger and thirst. By the way, when hitler killed 11 lakh people in Germany, most of them fiedal who prayed earnestly to god to save them till last movment, where your god was? "Oh god of chirstians and jews is impotent, I am talking about my Bhagwan".Ok where was your bhagwan during the famine of bengal, where people fasted for weeks since they did not have anything to eat and prayed to god to save them from death and yet millions died. How are you so sure that a god who does not listen to pleas of 27000 mothers of different religions(whose children die every day because of poverty) will listen to your request?
Note: I am not against social customs. But almost all customs are inegalitairan and irrational in nature. So i find responsbility of viciously attacking them befallen on me.
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